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189 - AUNUU, AMERICAN SAMOA   Notice:10/28/2023 Recovered buoy

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
1202002170820 7.34 26view
2201802092200 7.22 7view
3201807020800 5.60 73view
4202105091720 5.40 53view
5201802100800 5.16 15view
6202208162300 5.16 95view
7201907031920 5.09 117view
8202001181050 5.08 37view
9202002180150 4.96 22view
10202309240400 4.93 123view
11202106272320 4.84 76view
12202207141230 4.70 76view
13202007140520 4.67 58view
14201906291720 4.66 82view
15202006161820 4.66 79view
16201708300300 4.63 129view
17201907271820 4.60 75view
18202305261700 4.50 14view
19202305031630 4.48 84view
20202002191550 4.40 28view