091 - POINT LOMA, CA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:08/27/2005 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1199904040916 4.73 9.1 14view
2200303180800 4.55 9.9 55view
3200002220145 4.4914.3 25view
4199904290216 4.47 9.9 24view
5199804121658 4.25 9.9 26view
6200402270029 4.2515.4 43view
7200203140146 4.10 9.9 39view
8200102131031 3.59 7.7 15view
9200002281518 3.5116.7 32view
10200302200900 3.49 9.1 21view
11200402221059 3.49 7.7 18view
12199803270658 3.4611.8 31view
13199902100815 3.46 8.3 16view
14200504091052 3.40 7.7 31view
15199803290858 3.3510.5 38view
16200102202031 3.3515.4 16view
17199704240548 3.34 9.1 38view
18200003052146 3.33 7.1 28view
19200103101401 3.25 7.7 18view
20200203181216 3.17 7.7 13view