089 - SANTA CRUZ ISLAND EAST, CA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:12/01/1995 Recovered buoy

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1199510131103 1.67 9.9 32view
2199511260402 1.6312.5 70view
3199510160203 1.43 5.0 17view
4199511191532 1.4314.3 26view
5199510260332 1.42 7.1 21view
6199510231702 1.3811.8 5view
7199510221802 1.37 9.1 25view
8199510170302 1.32 6.2 14view
9199511100632 1.28 6.2 33view
10199511221602 1.2212.5 25view
11199511220502 1.21 4.0 3view
12199510141433 1.1811.8 9view
13199511060502 1.18 6.2 11view
14199511171432 1.1711.8 61view
15199511241502 1.1511.8 27view
16199510210503 1.0811.8 34view
17199511200532 1.0814.3 22view
18199510150503 1.0712.5 21view
19199511030302 1.0614.3 46view
20199510180102 1.0411.1 0view