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248 - ANGELES POINT, WA   Notice:02/10/2024 Cleaned sensor,Kelp removed from buoy. Mobile View

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
1202302211200 4.00 4view
2202103290600 3.78 5view
3202401100200 3.65 14view
4202211050500 3.18 14view
5202302140530 3.04 9view
6202405221200 2.98 3view
7202402252300 2.85 8view
8202102260900 2.81 21view
9202101260200 2.76 12view
10202112310630 2.74 7view
11202311191700 2.70 9view
12202402260700 2.67 6view
13202302211930 2.65 9view
14202103282230 2.64 8view
15202103292100 2.64 2view
16202302220930 2.62 3view
17202209071830 2.61 1view
18202007202100 2.60 2view
19202212280530 2.60 3view
20202201310800 2.56 5view