012 - HUMBOLDT BAY INNER, CA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:09/24/1982 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1198111141011 7.2114.2 23view
2198111222210 5.5714.2 30view
3198010091211 5.0716.0 29view
4198204031031 4.9410.7 30view
5198201180439 4.9314.2 47view
6198102201116 4.9212.8 36view
7198201262240 4.8711.6 41view
8198203301029 4.6012.8 18view
9198111121611 4.5716.0 66view
10198004292354 4.5414.2 42view
11198101212312 4.5314.2 42view
12198103042314 4.49 9.9 18view
13198103080512 4.4414.2 24view
14198110080412 4.4114.2 59view
15198004101152 4.3814.2 42view
16198201281616 4.3512.8 35view
17198004261757 4.3412.8 35view
18198010140606 4.2910.7 30view
19198103271105 4.2810.7 48view
20198004220001 4.17 8.5 54view