Latest News: Real time data telemetry reliability is temporarily reduced. We are working with the Iridium IT team to resolve the issue.
014 - MISSION BAY ENTRANCE, CA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:07/13/1995 Station decommissioned Data set:

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
1198801181846 6.18 14view
2198303021845 5.09 36view
3198603112144 4.17 33view
4198301281616 3.97 38view
5198212011245 3.90 45view
6198302140045 3.77 26view
7198805010646 3.76 8view
8198801190410 3.69 14view
9198101221720 3.66 78view
10198703152154 3.61 33view
11198512031243 3.61 26view
12198603170643 3.51 48view
13198801180046 3.48 2view
14198212232208 3.39 30view
15198103052314 3.36 12view
16198301201245 3.27 30view
17198101290517 3.25 17view
18198212171614 3.25 71view
19198703131842 3.24 51view
20198301252215 3.19 75view