QARTOD Quality Control Tests : Waves

The participants in this effort (shown on the table tabs) propose that the following required tests be performed on wave data to meet minimum IOOS quality control standards. In addition, there are a number of recommended tests.
Note: All tests listed are for open ocean waves.

TIME SERIES (Raw Calibrated Data)
Category Criteria Order Flag Action
Data Gaps Consecutive N missing data. Maximum number of missing data. 1 Soft N is user defined. Include in % count.
Spikes User defined Points >= M*std with P iterations 2 Soft Interpolate/extrapolate up to N points. N is user defined. M can be user defined, recommended M=4. Include in % count.
Range test Location, instrument defined. 2
1. Soft

2. Hard
Max/min user defined.
1. Interpolate/extrapolate up to n points. N is user defined. Include in % count.
2. Instrument spec exceeded, reject.
Mean shift (segments) A mean shift "P" occurs in this time series. 3 Hard Reject entire record. P is user defined.
Acceleration test User defined (a>M*g) 3 Soft Recommended M<=1/2. Interpolate/extrapolate up to N contiguous points. N is user defined. Include in % count.
Mean test, variance test User defined, location dependent 4 1. Soft

2. Hard
1. Flag unexpected values.

2. Reject unreasonable values.
Percent points good Check for M% good data (based on above 6 criteria) 5 Hard Recommended M>=90%
Category Criteria Order Flag Action

Operational frequency range test *defined by the environment and instrument 1 1. Soft

2. Hard
1. Max/min user defined.

2. Instrument spec exceeded, reject.

Incident low frequency energy direction Location defined 1 Soft User defined
Check factors, ratio Should be approximately = 1, check over time. Location dependent 1 Soft User defined
Category Criteria Order Flag Action
Wave parameters max/min/acceptable range (Height, Period, Direction, Directional Spread) Location dependent 1 1. Soft

2. Hard
User defined
1. flag values outside expected limits
2. reject entire record if H exceeds gross limit otherwise reject individual parameter.
Time continuity Short range history (applied to H) 2 Soft User defined