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Hurricanes and typhoons are tropical cyclones born in the warm waters of the world's oceans. Hurricanes of the Atlantic Ocean, Carribean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, are an annual threat to the East and Gulf coasts of the U.S. as are the typhoons of the Pacific a threat to the Hawaiian Islands and Guam.

The strong winds, large waves, and surge associated with these storms can cause severe coastal erosion, flooding and damage to property. Accurate prediction of these storm waves, and the resulting wave inundation of exposed coastlines, is important for both the design of coastal infrastructure and the protection of coastal residents and their property.

CDIP has partnered with the USACE, the National Data Buoy Center and the University of Hawaii, to measure and model wave, water level, and meteorological conditions during large wave events on the islands of Oahu and Guam. Data from CDIP buoys is essential for understanding these processes and their effects on the coastline.