Based on specified CDIP buoy
CDIP buoys record data every 30 minutes (48 times/day)
User specifies Station number and timeframe
stn = '198'
startdate = "11/01/2013"
enddate = "11/30/2013"
import matplotlib as mpl
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import as ma
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import time
import calendar
from itertools import groupby
Paste in URL for appropriate buoy from CDIP THREDDS server
# URL - Archive THREDDS
url = '' + stn + 'p1/' + stn + ''
# URL - Realtime THREDDS (Use if Archived URL returns error message)
# url = '' + stn + ''
Open URL as NetCDF file
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(url)
Assign variable names to NetCDF objects
ncTime = nc.variables['waveTime'][:]
Fq = nc.variables['waveFrequency'] # Assign variable name - Wave Frequency
Hs = nc.variables['waveHs'] # Assign variable name - Wave Significant Height
Dp = nc.variables['waveDp'] # Assign variable name - Wave Peak Direction
buoyname = nc.variables['metaStationName'][:]
buoytitle = " ".join(buoyname[:-40])
month_name = calendar.month_name[int(startdate[0:2])]
year_num = (startdate[6:10])
Define functions to convert between UNIX timestamps and human dates
# Find nearest value in numpy array
def find_nearest(array,value):
idx = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin()
return array[idx]
# Convert to unix timestamp
def getUnixTimestamp(humanTime,dateFormat):
unixTimestamp = int(calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(humanTime, dateFormat).timetuple()))
return unixTimestamp
# Convert to human readable timestamp
def getHumanTimestamp(unixTimestamp, dateFormat):
humanTimestamp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(unixTimestamp)).strftime(dateFormat)
return humanTimestamp
Convert user-set dates to UNIX timestamps
unixstart = getUnixTimestamp(startdate,"%m/%d/%Y")
neareststart = find_nearest(ncTime, unixstart) # Find the closest unix timestamp
nearIndex = numpy.where(ncTime==neareststart)[0][0] # Grab the index number of found date
unixend = getUnixTimestamp(enddate,"%m/%d/%Y")
future = find_nearest(ncTime, unixend) # Find the closest unix timestamp
endIndex = numpy.where(ncTime==future)[0][0] # Grab the index number of found date
StartDate = getHumanTimestamp(ncTime[nearIndex],"%m/%d/%Y")
Calculate total length of 'Wave Peak Direction (Dp)' variable
Dptot = len(Dp[nearIndex:endIndex])
Create array of total len of each of the 16 compass-direction bins (aka (number of Dp values in each 22.5-degree bin)/(total number of Dp values in time-chunk))
Dplens = []
dirstart = 11.25
dircount = 22.5
dirend = 348.75
for i in range(len(Dp)):
Dpcut = (len([i for i, x in enumerate(Dp[nearIndex:endIndex]) if (dirstart < x <= (dirstart+dircount))]))/float(Dptot)
dirstart = dirstart+dircount
if dirstart == dirend:
Dplens.append((len([i for i, x in enumerate(Dp[nearIndex:endIndex]) if (348.75 < x or x <= (11.25))]))/float(Dptot)) # Manually append
# last bin (which crosses 360/0, and cannot be accounted for in for-loop)
Grab maximum Dp length to set range of r-axis (frequency of occurences)
maxlen = max(Dplens)
lenround = round(maxlen,1)
Call array of Hs values for specified time-chunk
Hscut = Hs[nearIndex:endIndex]
Hscutft = np.asarray([H*3.28 for H in Hscut])
Create arrays of index values corresponding to each 22.5-degree bin
Dpidxs = []
Hsvals = []
idxstart = 11.25
idxcount = 22.5
idxend = 348.75
for idx in range(len(Dp)):
idxvals = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(Dp[nearIndex:endIndex]) if (idxstart < x <= (idxstart+idxcount))]
Hsval = Hscutft[idxvals]
idxstart = idxstart+idxcount
if idxstart == idxend:
val15 = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(Dp[nearIndex:endIndex]) if (348.75 < x or x <= (11.25))]
Hs15 = Hscutft[val15]
Separate Hs values within a degree-bin into height-specific categories
Hscats = []
catstart = 0
catstep = 3
for ibin2 in range(len(Hsvals)):
catslist = []
for val in Hsvals[ibin2]:
if catstart <= val < (catstart+catstep):
catval = 1 # Insert '1' for Hs values < 3, to avoid confusion with later step of inserting '0' as spaceholders for non-existent values
while catstart < val:
catstart = catstart+catstep
catval = catstart-3
catstart = 0
Sort all values within each Hs category ('Hscats' array) from smallest to largest value
Hscatsorttot = []
for row in range(len(Hscats)):
sortrow = sorted(Hscats[row]) # sort all Hs category valus from smallest to largest
Count number of objects in each category within each row (using 'Hscatsorttot)
Hscatscount = []
Hscatvals = []
for cat in range(len(Hscatsorttot)):
catlen = [len(list(group)) for key, group in groupby(Hscatsorttot[cat])]
catval = [key for key, group in groupby(Hscatsorttot[cat])]
Create master list of expected categorical bin values (e.g. bin 0-3, 3-6, etc., but replacing 0 with 1. Categories = 1,3,6,9,12,15...)
master = range(3,39,3) # Create list of values from 3-39, every 3 steps
master.insert(0,1) # add '1' as first value in the array
for val in range(len(Hscatvals)):
for i in range(len(master)):
if master[i] in Hscatvals[val]: # compare Hscatsvals value to master list. If values match up, move on to next element
Hscatvals[val].insert(i,0) # If Hscatsval value does not match master list value, insert '0' placeholder value
Create copy of master list to set colorbar range
master2 = master
Compare 'Hscatscount' list to Hscatvals
for c in range(len(Hscatscount)):
for e in range(len(Hscatvals[c])):
if Hscatvals[c][e] == 0:
catslist2 = []
for el in range(len(Hscatscount[2])):
arr = []
for count3 in range(len(Hscatscount)):
var = Hscatscount[count3][el]
Call 'catslist' list as array, for plotting
catsarray = np.asarray(catslist2)
Divide each element in 'catsarray' by Dptot (total count-length for specified time-period) to create 'frequencies of occurrences' array for each 3-ft-range Hs bin
Dpfloat = float(Dptot)
catsfreq = catsarray/Dpfloat
Get number of instances of Hs range (e.g. 0-3 ft) across each 22.5-degree bin
bottom = np.cumsum(catsarray, axis=0) # Create array to call "bottom" array when plotting stacked barplot (below)
Get number of instances of Hs range (e.g. 0-3 ft) across each 22.5-degree bin in 'Frequencies of Occurrencs' array
bottom2 = np.cumsum(catsfreq, axis=0)
radconvert = np.pi/180
Dpdiralt = ([18,40.5,63,85.5,108,130.5,153,175.5,198,220.5,243,265.5,288,310.5,333,355.5]) # Specify radial locations to correspond to mid-barplots
Dpradalt = [d*radconvert for d in Dpdiralt]
# Create figure and specify size
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
# Set radial/degree variables
thetas = Dpradalt
radii = Dplens[:]
# Specify barplot parameters
widths = 0.17
cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_ncar',13)
cmaplist = [cmap(i2) for i2 in range(cmap.N)]
# Create subplot for barplot
ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) # Specify polar axes
ax.set_theta_direction(-1) # Reverse direction of degrees (CW)
ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") # Specify 0-degrees as North
## Plot Hs count data
# Plot bottom row of barplot data using 'Frequencies of Occurrence' array ('catsfreq'), then loop through successive rows of 'catsarray'
bars =, catsfreq[0], width=widths, color=cmaplist[0])
for j in xrange(1, catsfreq.shape[0]):, catsfreq[j], width=widths, color=cmaplist[j], bottom=bottom2[j-1])
if j == ((catsfreq.shape[0])-2):
# OPTION - Create array of radial length 0.03 * 16 bins, to fill center circle of polar plot
# radcirc = [0.03] * 16
# ax.fill(thetas,radcirc,fill=True,color='powderblue')
# Set plot titles
plt.suptitle(buoytitle + "\n" + "Stn. " + stn + " - Wave Rose", fontsize=30, y=1.12)
title(startdate + '-' + enddate, fontsize=24, y=1.08)
# Set degree gridlines to plot every 22.5 degrees
degrange = arange(0,360,22.5)
lines, labels = plt.thetagrids(degrange, labels=None, fontsize=14)
# Create colorbar
bounds = master2
norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.025, 0.8, 0.03])
cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax2, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds, orientation='horizontal',boundaries=bounds, format='%1i')
cb.set_label('Significant Wave Height (ft)', fontsize=20)