The January 15, 2022 volcanic eruption occurred near Tonga in the South Pacific.
CDIP's Scripps Pier pressure sensor recorded a clear tsunami signal arriving shortly before 16:00 UTC (08:00 PST) on January 15. Preliminary analysis shows a peak amplitude of over 20cm.
Plot example code: Python
The September 16, 2015 earthquake occurred off the north coast of Chile with a magnitude of 8.3.
CDIP's Scripps Pier pressure sensor recorded a clear tsunami signal arriving at approximately 11:50 UTC on September 17. Preliminary analysis shows a peak amplitude of close to 10cm.
The earthquake occurred off the northern coast of Chile with a magnitude of 8.2
CDIP's Scripps Pier pressure sensor recorded a small tsunami event arriving at approximately 12:04 UTC on April 2. Preliminary analysis shows a trough-to-crest height of about 6 cm with a period of about 26 min.
Official NOAA tsunami record from Scripps Tide Station
The March 11, 2011 earthquake occurred off the east coast of Honshu, Japan with a magnitude of 8.9.
A tsunami was generated which was recorded throughout the Pacific Ocean. CDIP's Scripps Pier pressure sensor is now showing the tsunami signal; it arrived at Scripps at approximately 08:50 UTC on March 11.
Preliminary analysis shows the tsunami arriving with an trough-to-crest height of over 40cm and a period of 36 minutes.
Official NOAA tsunami record from Scripps Tide Station
Report from the Long Beach Harbor Pilots, courtesy of Jacobsen Pilot Service
In San Diego Harbor the amplitude of the tsunami reached 2 feet. These photos show the change in water level at the Southwestern Yacht Club over a 10 minute period on Friday afternoon. Photos courtesy of Thomas Muschamp.
2011-03-11 15:29:00 PST | 2011-03-11 15:39:00 PST |
2010 Chile earthquake occurred off the coast of the Maule Region of Chile on February 27, 2010, 06:34 UTC, rating a magnitude of 8.8 on the moment magnitude scale and lasting for about three minutes.
A tsunami was generated which was recorded throughout the Pacific Ocean. The CDIP Scripps pier pressure sensor was undergoing maintenance at the time and did not record the event. However, the NOAA tide guage also located on the pier did record it.
The plot shows first arrival just about at noon, with the wave train still continuing as of 3pm. Maximum amplitude appears to be about 1 foot and period between 20 and 30 minutes.
Amateur video recorded the effects of the tsunami at Ventura Harbor here.
The Samoa plot has three graphs, all of which cover 10 hours starting at 02:00 UTC on Sept 30th. The first graph shows 1-minute average readings straight from the sensor (which samples at 1 Hz), and the second shows 2-minute averages. The third and final plot shows 1-minute average readings which have been de-tided. The tide was removed by performing a linear detrend on 60-minute segments of the time series. |
Samoa plot |
The Kuril plot has three graphs, all of which cover 8 hours starting at 19:00 UTC on Nov 15th. The first graph shows 1-minute average readings straight from the sensor (which samples at 1 Hz), and the second shows 2-minute averages. The third and final plot shows 2-minute average readings which have been de-tided. The tide was removed by performing a linear detrend on 60-minute segments of the time series. |
Kuril plot |
The Tonga plot has three graphs, all of which cover 8 hours starting at 00:00 UTC on May 4th. The first graph shows 1-minute average readings straight from the sensor (which samples at 1 Hz), and the second shows 5-minute averages. The third and final plot shows 1-minute average readings which have been de-tided. The tide was removed by performing a linear detrend on 60-minute segments of the time series. |
Tonga plot |
Sensor/time series descriptions: | 073 |
1-Hz time series (df) data, 12/26 - 12/31/2004: | 073 |
Spectral (sp) data, 12/26 - 12/31/2004: | 073 |
View full station details and data: | 073 |
Water column plots These plots show the average sensor readings over periods of 2, 5, and 10 minutes; the tsunami signal can be seen atop the tidal movements. Station 073 averages: 2-minute 5-minute 10-minute |
Tsunami signal plots These plots show the signal from the tsunami, with tides and other components removed from the sensors' readings. Station 073 |
077, 079 tsunami plots | 077 tsunami plot | Spectral density plots | Bathymetry |