User Preferences

Lat/Lon format

Geo and time bounds

Station Details

Please enter "NULL" for empty values.

ODAS ID If given
WMO number
Station name If given
Type of station #NAME?
Status operational or ceased
Start date dd/mm/yy
End date dd/mm/yy if ceased
Period of deployment E.g. All year, seasonal
Country of ownership
Operating agency/institute
Degree of automation #NAME?
Latitude (of deployment) Up to 3 decimal places
Longitude (of deployment) Up to 3 decimal places
Watch circle (m)
Hull type As ODAS format descriptor
Hull manufacturer/model If appropriate
Hull material e.g. aluminium, plastic, foam etc.
Length (m) If rectangular/boat shaped, to tenth of a m
Breadth/width (m)
Diameter (m) If circular, to tenth of a m
Mooring type As ODAS format descriptor
Operating environment Open ocean, near-shore, coastal, lake etc
Water depth (m)
Elevation above sea level (m) e.g. if on upland lake
Primary data collection system Include Iridium
Primary (satellite) transmission time e.g. specific time, on the hour etc.
Primary sat transmission ID e.g. DCP no.
Secondary data collection system As appropriate
Secondary (satellite) transmission time
Secondary sat transmission ID
Observation frequency (hrs) For met data, observation frequency for waves noted later
Any other ID e.g. Argos or GOES number
Data availability GTS and/or internet
Data format e.g. FM-13 or netcdf
Type & version of internal buoy processor e.g. Watchman version
Web address For additional information


Please enter "NULL" for empty values.

Number of systems If number of systems > 1
Primary wave sensor type Spectral or integrated
Primary wave sensor model Manufacturer/model (wasp in ODAS format)
Location of wave sensor Descriptive text
Wave observation frequency (hrs)
Sampling period start Minutes before (-) or after (+) top of hour
Primary sensor sampling freq (Hz) c.f. SfWAS in ODAS format
Primary sensor sampling period (mins) Length of sample, c.f. apWAS in ODAS format
No of frequency bins #NAME?
Width of each frequency band (Hz) If fbWAV >1
Minimum freq of sensor range (Hz)
Maximum freq of sensor range (Hz)
Directional resolution (deg) #NAME?
Waves corrected for buoy tilt yes/no
Wave analysis technique e.g. Spectral analysis method, c.f. spAT in ODAS format
Secondary wave sensor type If number of systems > 1
Secondary wave sensor model
S. Location of secondary wave sensor
S. Wave observation frequency (hrs)
Sampling period start
Secondary sensor sampling freq (Hz)
Secondary sensor sampling period (mins)
No of frequency bins
Width of each frequency band (Hz)
Minimum freq of sensor range (Hz)
Maximum freq of sensor range (Hz)
Directional resolution (deg)
Waves corrected for buoy tilt
Wave analysis technique