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Journal Articles
- Predicting Shoreline Changes Along the California Coast Using Deep Learning Applied to Satellite Observations - Journal of Geophysical Research: Machine Learning and Computation,,June 2024
- Wind velocity estimates from wave observing platforms - Coastal Engineering Journal,,March 2024
- Performance of ERA5 wind speed and significant wave height within Extratropical cyclones using collocated satellite radar altimeter measurements - Coastal Engineering Journal,,February 2024
- Coastal Data Information Program: advances in measuring and modeling wave activity, climate, and extremes - Coastal Engineering Journal,,January 2024
- Assessment of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Measurements from an Autonomous Surface Vehicle - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,,March 2023
- Wave–Tide Interaction for a Strongly Modulated Wave Field - Journal of Physical Oceanography,,March 2023
- Global Climatology of Extratropical Cyclones From a New Tracking Approach and Associated Wave Heights from Satellite Radar Altimeter - JGR Oceans,,November 2022
- Performance Assessments of Hurricane Wave Hindcasts - Journal of Marine Science and Engineering,J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9, 690,June 2021
- An early warning system for wave‑driven coastal fooding at Imperial Beach, CA - Natural Hazards,,June 2021
- CDIP observations of recent extreme wave conditions on U.S. coasts - Shore and Beach,89(2),41-45,May 2021
- The Influence of A Cross‐Reef Channel On the Wave‐Driven Setup and Circulation at Ipan, Guam - Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e201,July 2020
- CDIP: Maintaining a robust and reliable ocean observing buoy network - 2019 IEEE/OES Twelfth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM),pp. 1-5,June 2019
- The Role of Stakeholders in Creating Societal Value From Coastal and Ocean Observations - Frontiers in Marine Science,07 May 2019,May 2019
- Regional Swell Transformation by Backward Ray Tracing and SWAN - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,January 2019
- Sixteen years of bathymetry and waves at San Diego beaches - Nature Scientific Data,6, 161 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41597-019-0167-6,January 2019
- CDIP wave observations during hurricanes Irma, Jose, and Maria, and a nor'easter - Shore & Beach,Vol. 86, No. 3, 2012, pp14-20,August 2018
- CDIP wave observations during hurricane Matthew - Shore & Beach,Vol. 86, No. 1, 2018, pp38-40,January 2018
- Southern California Coastal Response to the 2015-2016 El Nino - Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface,January 2018
- Annual maximum wave heights from waverider buoy data - Shore & Beach,Vol. 85, No. 1, pp13-16,January 2017
- The California coastal wave monitoring and prediction system - Coastal Engineering,Vol. 116, pp118-132,October 2016
- Observations of the shape and group dynamics of rogue waves - Geophysical Research Letters,Vol. 44, No. 1, pp1823-1830,June 2016
- CDIP - Public Data Management Plans created with the DMPTool - Research Ideas and Outcomes,2: e8827 (15 Apr 2016),April 2016
- CDIP wave observations during a strong El Nino year - Shore & Beach,Vol. 84, No. 1, 2016, pp36-37,January 2016
- Modeling Long-Period Swell in Southern California: Practical Boundary Conditions from Buoy Observations and Global Wave Model Predictions - Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,January 2016
- How Are High Resolution Wave Observations and HF Radar Derived Surface Currents Critical to Decision-Making for Maritime Operations? - Coastal Ocean Observing Systems, 1st Edition Edited by Liu, Y., Kerkering, H., Weisberg, R.,Ch. 10,June 2015
- Biofouling effects on the response of a wave measurement buoy in deep water - J. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,Vol. 32, pp1281-1286,June 2015
- CDIP wave observations in Superstorm Sandy - Shore & Beach,Vol. 80, No. 4, 2012, pp1-3,October 2012
- Equilibrium Shoreline Response of a High Wave Energy Beach - J. Geophysical Research, 116, C04014, doi:10.1029/2010JC006681,pp1-16,September 2011
- Coastal cliff ground motions from local ocean swell and ifragravity waves in southern California - J. Geophysical Research, 116, C09007, doi:10.1029/2011JC007175,pp1-11,September 2011
- The Effect of Temporal Wave Averaging on the Performance of an Empirical Shoreline Evolution Model - Coastal Engineering, 58,pp802-805,February 2011
- Short-term retreat statistics of a slowly eroding coastal cliff - Point Loma, California, USA - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11,pp205-217,January 2011
- Evidence for Changes to the Northeast Pacific Wave Climate - Journal of Coastal Research,Vol. 27, Issue 1: pp194-201,January 2011
- Coarse Sediment Yields from Seacliff Erosion in the Oceanside Littoral Cell - Journal of Coastal Research,Vol. 26, No. 3, pp580-585,May 2010
- Comparison of Airborne and Terrestrial LIDAR Estimates of Seacliff Erosion in Southern California - Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing,Vol. 76, No. 4, pp421-427,April 2010
- A Portable Airborne Scanning Lidar System for Ocean and Coastal Applications - J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,Vol. 26,(12) pp2626-2641,December 2009
- Equilibrium shoreline response: Observations and modeling - Journal of Geophysical Research,Vol. 114, C09014, doi:10.1029/2009JC005359,September 2009
- Rain, Waves, & Short-Term Evolution of Composite Seacliffs in Southern California - Marine Geology,September 2009
- Comparison of short-term seacliff retreat measurement methods in Del Mar, California - Geomorphology,June 2009
- Overview of seasonal sand level changes on southern California beaches - Shore & Beach,77(1), pp39-46,January 2009
- Persistence of a Small Southern California Beach Fill - J. Coastal Engineering,56, pp559-564,January 2009
- A Technique for Eliminating Water Returns from Lidar Beach Elevation Surveys - J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology,Vol. 25, pp1671-1682,September 2008
- Evolution of Surface Gravity Waves Over a Submarine Canyon - J. Geophysical Research, 112, C01002,pp1-12,January 2007
- Performance Evaluation of Seacliff Erosion Control Methods - Shore & Beach, 74,(4),pp16-24,September 2006
- Application of Airborne LIDAR for Seacliff Volumetric Change and Beach-Sediment Budget Contributions - J. Coastal Research, 22,(2),pp307-318,March 2006
- Rapid Erosion of a Southern California Beach Fill - J. Coastal Engineering, 52,(2),pp151-158,May 2004
- Validation of Operational Global Wave Prediction Models with Spectral Buoy Data - Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis,January 2001
- The Relationship Between Incident Wave Energy and Seacliff Erosion Rates: San Diego County, California - California. Journ. Coastal Research,Vol. 16, No. 4, 1162-1178,October 2000
- Systematic Underestimation of Maximum Crest Height in Deep Water Using Surface-Following Buoys - Proceedings, Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 5-9,Paper 1466, 10,July 1998
- Effects of El Nino on the West Coast Wave Climate - Shore & Beach,Vol. 66(3): 3-6,July 1998
- Assimilating Coastal Wave Observations in Regional Swell Predictions. Part 1: Inverse Methods - J. Physical Oceanography, 28,(4),pp679-691,April 1998
- Undersea pumped storage for load leveling - Proceedings, California and the World's Oceans, 1997, San Diego, CA.,pp158-163,June 1997
- Observations of seiche forcing and amlification in three small harbors - J. of Waterway Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering,122(5) pp232-238,October 1996
- Wave climate variability in Southern California - J. of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE,July/August, Vol. 122(4): 182-186 , , July 1996
- A Comparison of Directional Buoy and Fixed Platform Measurements of Pacific Swell - J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol. 13,(1),pp231-238,February 1996
- Field Wave Gaging Program, Wave Data Analysis Standard - USACE Instruction Report CERC-95-1,March 1995
- Effects of Southern California Kelp Beds on Waves - J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Eng., 121,(2),pp143-150,March 1995
- Wave Monitoring in the Southern California Bight - Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp.,pp448-457,July 1993
- New Technology in Coastal Wave Monitoring - Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp.,pp105-123,July 1993
- A Comparison of Two Spectral Wave Models in the Southern California Bight - Coastal Engineering,19, pp263-282,May 1993
- A Comparison of Spectral Refraction and Refraction-Diffraction Wave Propagation Models - J. Waterway Port, Coastal and Ocean Eng.,117, (3), pp199-215,May 1991
- Wave Observations in the Storm of 17-18 January,1988 - Shore & Beach,Vol. 57 (4) p. 10,October 1989
- Modelling the Storm Waves of January 17-18, 1988 - Shore & Beach,Vol. 57 (4) p. 32,October 1989
- Editorial: The Great Storm of January 1988 - Shore & Beach,Vol. 57 (4) p. 2,October 1989
- COASTAL FORUM: Unusual Damage from a California Storm - Shore & Beach,Vol. 57, No. 3, July 1989, p. 31,July 1989
- Unusual marine erosion in San Diego County from a single storm - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,Vol. 29, pp277-292,April 1989
- Storm wave induced mortality of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, in Southern California - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,Vol. 28, pp277-292,March 1989
- Automated remote recording and analysis of coastal data - J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Proc. ASCE,111(2):388-400, , March 1985
- Influence of El Ninos on California's wave Climate - Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Houston, Texas, 3-7 September,1:577-592, , September 1984
- Continuous estimation of longshore sand transport - Coastal Zone '78, Proc. Symp. on Technical, Environmental, socioecomonic and Regulatory Aspects of Coastal Zone Management, ASCE, San Francisco, CA, 14-16 March,Vol. 3, pp2308-2318,March 1978
- Measuring the nearshore wave climate: California experience - Ocean Wave Climate, Plenum Press, New York, Marine Science,8:317-326,July 1977
- Regional network for coastal engineering data - Proc. 15th Coastal Engineering Conf. American Society Civil Engineers (ASCE), Honolulu, HI, July,Vol. 1, Chap. 5, pp60-71.,July 1976
News Articles
- Another big wave event slams San Diego coast - January 2024
- San Diego's high surf is coming back — but it won't be like last time - January 2024
- Yellow, metal buoy gathers wave data for Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego - November 2022
- 81-degree reading likely sets record for highest temperature ever measured in California waters -,,August 2018
- Research Highlight: Waves Bring the Heat - Scripps Institution of Oceanography,,November 2014
- Little Buoy Takes On Big Job - The Daily Astorian,,October 2009
- Local fishermen recover valuable weather buoy - Half Moon Bay Review,,April 2009
- Malibu's Vanishing Broad Beach a sign of rising sea levels, experts say - Los Angeles,December 2008
- San Diego's Changing Climate: A Regional Wake-Up Call - November 2008
- The San Diego Foundation Regional Focus 2050 Study - November 2008
- Sea Range partners with UCSD/Scripps - Air Time,Vol.III Issue I p20,March 2007
- Coastal Data Information Program - Oceanside Magazine,March 2001