207 - FIRE ISLAND NEARSHORE, NY   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:07/20/2015 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1201402140053 4.5311.8 20view
2201501091204 4.41 9.1 11view
3201412091604 3.9210.5 22view
4201411242304 3.85 9.9 24view
5201404151953 3.68 8.3 14view
6201501271204 3.6612.5 22view
7201504202234 3.45 9.1 36view
8201404301153 3.30 7.7 50view
9201402141223 3.2011.8 13view
10201411180034 3.11 9.1 25view
11201412022304 3.03 7.7 18view
12201403150953 2.93 7.7 23view
13201501182204 2.86 8.3 23view
14201504082304 2.84 7.7 42view
15201403301953 2.8110.5 32view
16201503270434 2.8110.5 18view
17201501050004 2.79 9.1 44view
18201411262334 2.74 7.7 17view
19201502111134 2.74 9.9 67view
20201411020804 2.71 9.9 39view