Latest News: Real time data telemetry reliability is temporarily reduced. We are working with the Iridium IT team to resolve the issue.
212 - ANACAPA PASSAGE SOUTH, CA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:12/04/2015 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1201412121006 3.42 7.1 22view
2201504260336 2.56 6.2 12view
3201502101406 2.4512.5 39view
4201511161006 2.43 5.9 18view
5201412130836 2.29 9.9 35view
6201412030336 2.12 5.3 53view
7201501241936 2.0816.7 17view
8201412250906 2.03 5.6 8view
9201511040206 2.03 5.9 38view
10201502072236 2.01 9.9 50view
11201504020536 2.01 5.6 11view
12201412120436 2.00 9.9 7view
13201502280236 2.00 5.9 15view
14201412172306 1.9811.1 68view
15201410270206 1.9113.3 35view
16201511251106 1.91 5.6 10view
17201510290336 1.8613.3 38view
18201505080036 1.81 5.6 6view
19201511102206 1.80 5.9 26view
20201511260436 1.80 5.6 16view