172 - HUNTINGTON BEACH NEARSHORE, CA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:11/17/2006 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1200603101100 3.04 9.1 7view
2200601021930 2.94 6.2 9view
3200604051827 2.25 9.9 20view
4200602160300 2.09 8.3 11view
5200511270130 2.04 9.9 23view
6200603080530 2.02 7.1 19view
7200603120830 2.00 7.1 16view
8200601030600 1.92 9.9 15view
9200603101530 1.85 7.7 7view
10200601160600 1.8310.5 29view
11200603100600 1.79 7.7 3view
12200512211600 1.7216.7 41view
13200601021530 1.67 5.3 7view
14200510082000 1.6116.7 39view
15200509231430 1.6016.7 87view
16200601011600 1.5611.1 35view
17200508180100 1.5516.7 32view
18200605280427 1.54 7.1 36view
19200507150659 1.5116.7 46view
20200603182200 1.51 6.7 40view