186 - CAPE CHARLES, VA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:04/08/2018 Recovered buoy

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1201601230927 4.83 9.9 31view
2201609031427 4.76 9.9 23view
3201210290608 4.5814.3 48view
4201510041527 3.96 9.1 52view
5201610090457 3.92 7.1 33view
6201310092348 3.82 9.9 29view
7201303070308 3.6610.5 23view
8201510021357 3.54 9.9 40view
9201403072218 3.51 9.1 27view
10201801041152 3.50 8.3 15view
11201302081638 3.2711.1 11view
12201803130822 3.2410.5 25view
13201411020348 3.23 9.9 28view
14201412080448 3.2212.5 62view
15201803041522 3.2015.4 68view
16201401220718 3.19 9.9 20view
17201602080627 3.19 9.9 42view
18201509262357 3.17 9.9 70view
19201403182118 3.13 9.1 63view
20201409250048 3.13 9.9 24view