227 - OCULINA BANK NORTH, FL   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:09/06/2017 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1201701080300 3.32 6.9 40view
2201703231800 3.25 9.1 56view
3201703050630 3.01 8.0 66view
4201703151530 2.69 7.4 24view
5201704150700 2.65 7.4 69view
6201702230400 2.64 8.0 74view
7201702050000 2.46 8.3 18view
8201703032130 2.35 7.1 48view
9201702100730 2.33 6.9 15view
10201701240830 2.32 6.2 30view
11201701230330 2.31 6.1 22view
12201703141100 2.27 5.6 21view
13201701100430 2.2512.5 55view
14201705061130 2.25 5.9 16view
15201704071130 2.23 7.4 18view
16201701301730 2.22 6.9 10view
17201701131730 2.0711.8 88view
18201703131230 2.01 9.1 28view
19201703192300 2.00 6.2 54view
20201701071930 1.95 5.7 2view