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272 - RUMUNG, YAP, MICRONESIA   Notice:04/17/2024 Deployed buoy Mobile View

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
1202405231330 2.72 44view
2202405210400 2.22 160view
3202404272330 2.10 122view
4202404211330 2.09 109view
5202404171700 1.95 84view
6202405091730 1.91 279view
7202405241230 1.84 74view
8202404260000 1.81 25view
9202405300500 1.59 111view
10202405141530 1.48 31view
11202405020130 1.40 26view
12202406010830 1.18 43view
13202406031030 0.96 19view
14202404260730 0.68 0view