Latest News: Real time data telemetry reliability is temporarily reduced. We are working with the Iridium IT team to resolve the issue.

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162 - CLATSOP SPIT, OR   Notice:03/05/2024 Replaced buoy Mobile View
File Name: nc162p1202210010030     Analyzed(UTC): 2024 09/16 0008 hrs
Station Name: CLATSOP SPIT, OR
Location: 46 12.94 N 124 07.67 W   Sensor Type: Waverider Drctnl Buoy
Water Depth(m):    25 MLLW    Sensor Depth(m): N/A      Sensor Elev(m):   24.7
Shore Normal(deg): N/A        Source File: netCDF dataset
Sample Length(s):  1600       Sample Rate(Hz): 1.280
Hs(m):  1.17   Tp(s):  4.55   Dp(deg): 330   Ta(s):  4.44

 freq   Band      energy   Dmean     a1       b1       a2       b2    Check
  Hz    width     m*m/Hz    deg                                       factor
0.0250  0.0050     0.0001    11    0.6295   0.1199   0.3806   0.0307   2.55
0.0300  0.0050     0.0005    19    0.6532   0.2277   0.6393   0.2281   2.55
0.0350  0.0050     0.0014   315    0.1116  -0.1134  -0.0363   0.2877   2.55
0.0400  0.0050     0.0070   312    0.1259  -0.1413   0.6853   0.0608   2.55
0.0450  0.0050     0.0077   206   -0.2954  -0.1457   0.3524   0.1481   2.55
0.0500  0.0050     0.0096   274    0.0142  -0.2159  -0.3800   0.3125   2.55
0.0550  0.0050     0.0279   201   -0.5038  -0.1896   0.0695   0.4480   2.55
0.0600  0.0050     0.0730   215   -0.3751  -0.2596  -0.2178   0.2698   2.55
0.0650  0.0050     0.1010   237   -0.2968  -0.4603  -0.2616  -0.0285   2.55
0.0700  0.0050     0.2106   223   -0.4959  -0.4644   0.0762   0.0870   2.55
0.0750  0.0050     0.3799   234   -0.4750  -0.6629  -0.3274   0.4664   2.12
0.0800  0.0050     0.3157   264   -0.0763  -0.7147  -0.5220  -0.2150   2.00
0.0850  0.0050     0.2886   274    0.0468  -0.7143  -0.5545  -0.2621   1.58
0.0900  0.0050     0.4034   277    0.1029  -0.8941  -0.7224  -0.2908   1.79
0.0950  0.0050     0.1499   275    0.0685  -0.7593  -0.6694  -0.3362   1.68
0.1013  0.0075     0.1035   274    0.0449  -0.6857  -0.5312  -0.3497   1.48
0.1100  0.0100     0.3157   267   -0.0493  -0.8606  -0.6133   0.0175   1.19
0.1200  0.0100     0.3818   267   -0.0525  -0.9152  -0.7479   0.0271   1.16
0.1300  0.0100     0.4370   257   -0.2025  -0.8687  -0.5938   0.2928   1.17
0.1400  0.0100     0.5311   263   -0.1187  -0.9016  -0.7094   0.1597   1.15
0.1500  0.0100     0.3064   264   -0.0964  -0.9034  -0.7170   0.1589   1.16
0.1600  0.0100     0.2351   267   -0.0500  -0.8716  -0.6355   0.0810   1.06
0.1700  0.0100     0.1777   267   -0.0497  -0.8677  -0.5989   0.0748   1.15
0.1800  0.0100     0.1584   286    0.2490  -0.8459  -0.5617  -0.3831   1.18
0.1900  0.0100     0.1849   298    0.4115  -0.7852  -0.3001  -0.5571   1.09
0.2000  0.0100     0.2214   309    0.5433  -0.6732  -0.1668  -0.5874   1.07
0.2100  0.0100     0.3743   319    0.6892  -0.6044   0.1235  -0.7284   0.99
0.2200  0.0100     0.6390   330    0.8154  -0.4708   0.4217  -0.6992   0.91
0.2300  0.0100     0.4734   336    0.8400  -0.3806   0.4881  -0.5773   0.95
0.2400  0.0100     0.3650   337    0.8278  -0.3509   0.4786  -0.4636   0.91
0.2500  0.0100     0.1915   337    0.8074  -0.3422   0.4197  -0.4364   0.93
0.2600  0.0100     0.1896   340    0.8348  -0.3064   0.4769  -0.4251   0.90
0.2700  0.0100     0.1356   341    0.8248  -0.2800   0.4785  -0.3229   0.95
0.2800  0.0100     0.1010   341    0.7951  -0.2699   0.4232  -0.2730   0.95
0.2900  0.0100     0.1088   336    0.7737  -0.3506   0.3424  -0.3934   0.88
0.3000  0.0100     0.1356   330    0.7677  -0.4432   0.3160  -0.5708   0.87
0.3100  0.0100     0.1506   333    0.7950  -0.4084   0.3471  -0.5514   0.86
0.3200  0.0100     0.0932   338    0.7949  -0.3141   0.3999  -0.3559   0.87
0.3300  0.0100     0.1000   336    0.8174  -0.3703   0.4625  -0.5037   0.86
0.3400  0.0100     0.1584   341    0.8497  -0.2884   0.5175  -0.3971   0.79
0.3500  0.0100     0.1056   340    0.8489  -0.3116   0.5210  -0.4395   0.76
0.3600  0.0100     0.0733   338    0.8092  -0.3198   0.4061  -0.4178   0.80
0.3700  0.0100     0.0535   337    0.7595  -0.3219   0.2492  -0.3867   0.89
0.3800  0.0100     0.0597   353    0.8411  -0.1107   0.4950  -0.0922   0.84
0.3900  0.0100     0.0856   344    0.8736  -0.2495   0.5669  -0.3939   0.76
0.4000  0.0100     0.0574   343    0.7896  -0.2466   0.3565  -0.2776   0.79
0.4100  0.0100     0.0402   341    0.7270  -0.2468   0.1734  -0.2488   0.84
0.4200  0.0100     0.0463   344    0.7987  -0.2281   0.4133  -0.3191   0.77
0.4300  0.0100     0.0522   337    0.7771  -0.3294   0.3203  -0.4320   0.74
0.4400  0.0100     0.0684   357    0.8636  -0.0495   0.5478  -0.0748   0.68
0.4500  0.0100     0.0309   331    0.6822  -0.3718   0.0518  -0.5057   0.74
0.4600  0.0100     0.0458   333    0.7169  -0.3682   0.1592  -0.4602   0.68
0.4700  0.0100     0.0301   341    0.7232  -0.2455   0.1632  -0.3295   0.69
0.4800  0.0100     0.0445   336    0.7587  -0.3437   0.2363  -0.4916   0.59
0.4900  0.0100     0.0381   345    0.7194  -0.1865   0.1485  -0.2032   0.57
0.5000  0.0100     0.0371   348    0.7708  -0.1599   0.3267  -0.1991   0.51
0.5100  0.0100     0.0445   350    0.8012  -0.1458   0.4128  -0.1950   0.46
0.5200  0.0100     0.0522   344    0.7446  -0.2126   0.2759  -0.2221   0.46
0.5300  0.0100     0.0438   341    0.7961  -0.2702   0.3947  -0.4481   0.43
0.5400  0.0100     0.0654   353    0.8411  -0.1107   0.5600  -0.1662   0.40
0.5500  0.0100     0.0425   351    0.7571  -0.1186   0.3046  -0.1245   0.42
0.5600  0.0100     0.0551   358    0.7110  -0.0233   0.2116   0.0331   0.40
0.5700  0.0100     0.0588   351    0.7159  -0.1122   0.2145  -0.1879   0.35
0.5800  0.0100     0.0517   340    0.6692  -0.2456   0.2362  -0.3797   0.34