Latest News: Real time data telemetry reliability is temporarily reduced. We are working with the Iridium IT team to resolve the issue.

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157 - POINT SUR, CA   Notice:09/02/2023 Replaced buoy Mobile View
File Name: nc157p1202210010000     Analyzed(UTC): 2024 09/15 2142 hrs
Station Name: POINT SUR, CA
Location: 36 20.08 N 122 06.23 W   Sensor Type: Waverider Drctnl Buoy
Water Depth(m):   369 MLLW    Sensor Depth(m): N/A      Sensor Elev(m):  369.0
Shore Normal(deg): N/A        Source File: netCDF dataset
Sample Length(s):  1600       Sample Rate(Hz): 1.280
Hs(m):  1.87   Tp(s):  9.88   Dp(deg): 311   Ta(s):  7.81

 freq   Band      energy   Dmean     a1       b1       a2       b2    Check
  Hz    width     m*m/Hz    deg                                       factor
0.0250  0.0050     0.0004   204   -0.1428  -0.0643  -0.1823  -0.5037   2.55
0.0300  0.0050     0.0008   261   -0.0199  -0.1191  -0.0948  -0.4673   2.55
0.0350  0.0050     0.0041   329    0.1842  -0.1089  -0.3086  -0.6223   2.55
0.0400  0.0050     0.0050   318    0.4231  -0.3788  -0.0202  -0.6350   2.55
0.0450  0.0050     0.0438   163   -0.2939   0.0872  -0.1469  -0.4870   2.55
0.0500  0.0050     0.0168   194   -0.3472  -0.0892  -0.0654  -0.3391   2.55
0.0550  0.0050     0.0650   193   -0.5336  -0.1232   0.1626  -0.0793   1.84
0.0600  0.0050     0.1105   185   -0.6942  -0.0554   0.3289  -0.0401   1.88
0.0650  0.0050     0.6992   180   -0.8351  -0.0050   0.5353  -0.0092   1.30
0.0700  0.0050     1.4582   179   -0.8384   0.0155   0.7190  -0.1635   1.22
0.0750  0.0050     1.1644   185   -0.7477  -0.0597   0.4462  -0.0193   1.34
0.0800  0.0050     0.4687   166   -0.5760   0.1406   0.2908  -0.4063   1.50
0.0850  0.0050     0.5500   238   -0.2535  -0.4057   0.0576  -0.1805   1.43
0.0900  0.0050     2.2304   283    0.1253  -0.5426  -0.0309  -0.5649   0.98
0.0950  0.0050     2.6703   282    0.1337  -0.6516  -0.3258  -0.5093   0.95
0.1013  0.0075     4.6283   311    0.5970  -0.6837  -0.0667  -0.8957   1.20
0.1100  0.0100     3.8659   308    0.5658  -0.7161  -0.1520  -0.8251   1.25
0.1200  0.0100     3.8083   314    0.6355  -0.6595  -0.0020  -0.8443   1.13
0.1300  0.0100     1.6523   307    0.5329  -0.7096  -0.2160  -0.7162   1.19
0.1400  0.0100     0.6923   314    0.5901  -0.6124   0.0334  -0.6286   1.31
0.1500  0.0100     0.8164   306    0.5058  -0.7092  -0.1410  -0.6434   1.17
0.1600  0.0100     0.5958   293    0.3289  -0.7808  -0.3808  -0.4963   1.23
0.1700  0.0100     0.4157   296    0.3682  -0.7666  -0.3772  -0.4711   1.28
0.1800  0.0100     0.4075   296    0.3479  -0.7243  -0.2302  -0.4187   1.29
0.1900  0.0100     0.4157   294    0.3300  -0.7326  -0.2610  -0.4601   1.15
0.2000  0.0100     0.4220   296    0.3510  -0.7308  -0.3284  -0.3976   1.07
0.2100  0.0100     0.2871   300    0.3369  -0.5864  -0.0184  -0.4076   1.17
0.2200  0.0100     0.2044   293    0.2500  -0.5936  -0.0448  -0.2947   1.07
0.2300  0.0100     0.2095   290    0.2300  -0.6309  -0.2029  -0.2625   1.09
0.2400  0.0100     0.1707   297    0.2673  -0.5233   0.0187  -0.2907   0.99
0.2500  0.0100     0.0928   290    0.2256  -0.6189  -0.3391  -0.4434   1.16
0.2600  0.0100     0.0835   297    0.2633  -0.5153   0.0631  -0.1661   1.16
0.2700  0.0100     0.0664   304    0.4045  -0.5977  -0.0741  -0.5005   1.17
0.2800  0.0100     0.0538   277    0.0609  -0.4704  -0.1283   0.0349   1.21
0.2900  0.0100     0.0560   280    0.0932  -0.5187   0.0099  -0.1838   1.18
0.3000  0.0100     0.0574   294    0.2094  -0.4648   0.1561  -0.1094   0.98
0.3100  0.0100     0.0563   307    0.3050  -0.4061   0.2700  -0.2818   0.96
0.3200  0.0100     0.0394   277    0.0434  -0.3356   0.1009  -0.0764   0.99
0.3300  0.0100     0.0345   296    0.1484  -0.3091   0.1289  -0.1858   1.03
0.3400  0.0100     0.0320   297    0.2266  -0.4436   0.1641  -0.2464   1.03
0.3500  0.0100     0.0434   298    0.2393  -0.4413   0.0441  -0.2222   1.03
0.3600  0.0100     0.0275   286    0.0835  -0.2949  -0.0911  -0.1203   1.12
0.3700  0.0100     0.0208   300    0.1873  -0.3260   0.2155  -0.1732   1.15
0.3800  0.0100     0.0223   279    0.0763  -0.4942  -0.0873  -0.1772   1.10
0.3900  0.0100     0.0267   303    0.2732  -0.4258   0.1939  -0.2285   1.05
0.4000  0.0100     0.0199   265   -0.0303  -0.3280   0.0678  -0.0842   0.91
0.4100  0.0100     0.0207   322    0.1982  -0.1528  -0.0075  -0.1939   0.83
0.4200  0.0100     0.0151   338    0.2450  -0.0998   0.2346  -0.5593   1.00
0.4300  0.0100     0.0138   307    0.1910  -0.2543   0.0666  -0.4993   0.96
0.4400  0.0100     0.0111   280    0.0430  -0.2392  -0.2360  -0.3293   1.18
0.4500  0.0100     0.0112   279    0.0164  -0.1065   0.1004  -0.0973   0.90
0.4600  0.0100     0.0090   325    0.0970  -0.0674  -0.1152  -0.1553   1.05
0.4700  0.0100     0.0075   186   -0.0276  -0.0029  -0.2099  -0.3199   1.17
0.4800  0.0100     0.0119   335    0.3108  -0.1447  -0.1303  -0.2729   0.77
0.4900  0.0100     0.0099   321    0.1700  -0.1378  -0.1405  -0.1854   0.74
0.5000  0.0100     0.0076   313    0.1900  -0.2071  -0.2408  -0.0870   0.85
0.5100  0.0100     0.0061     7    0.3131   0.0405  -0.0850   0.2079   0.89
0.5200  0.0100     0.0035   348    0.3062  -0.0668  -0.1013  -0.3382   1.23
0.5300  0.0100     0.0039   348    0.2608  -0.0569  -0.1017  -0.2499   1.03
0.5400  0.0100     0.0047   320    0.3580  -0.3051  -0.2209  -0.3737   0.99
0.5500  0.0100     0.0036   325    0.3300  -0.2295  -0.1898  -0.3976   0.93
0.5600  0.0100     0.0043   335    0.2779  -0.1294  -0.1789  -0.0968   0.69
0.5700  0.0100     0.0045   307    0.0986  -0.1313  -0.1764  -0.1664   0.71
0.5800  0.0100     0.0049   332    0.1586  -0.0836  -0.0089  -0.1908   0.61