Latest News: Real time data telemetry reliability is temporarily reduced. We are working with the Iridium IT team to resolve the issue.

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157 - POINT SUR, CA   Notice:09/02/2023 Replaced buoy Mobile View
File Name: nc157p1201810312330     Analyzed(UTC): 2024 09/15 1336 hrs
Station Name: POINT SUR, CA
Location: 36 20.56 N 122 05.74 W   Sensor Type: Waverider Drctnl Buoy
Water Depth(m):   369 MLLW    Sensor Depth(m): N/A      Sensor Elev(m):  369.0
Shore Normal(deg): N/A        Source File: netCDF dataset
Sample Length(s):  1600       Sample Rate(Hz): 1.280
Hs(m):  2.23   Tp(s):  8.33   Dp(deg): 300   Ta(s):  7.67

 freq   Band      energy   Dmean     a1       b1       a2       b2    Check
  Hz    width     m*m/Hz    deg                                       factor
0.0250  0.0050     0.0002   273    0.0101  -0.1840  -0.4007   0.5314   2.55
0.0300  0.0050     0.0007   304    0.1103  -0.1629  -0.2110   0.6609   2.55
0.0350  0.0050     0.0021   273    0.0267  -0.4836  -0.3953   0.1980   2.55
0.0400  0.0050     0.0062   245   -0.1206  -0.2590  -0.5885   0.5208   2.55
0.0450  0.0050     0.0150   258   -0.0202  -0.0925  -0.2625   0.2428   2.55
0.0500  0.0050     0.0680   216   -0.3410  -0.2432  -0.2153   0.6525   2.55
0.0550  0.0050     0.0909   241   -0.1617  -0.2895  -0.3058   0.0571   2.55
0.0600  0.0050     0.4348   213   -0.5652  -0.3627   0.4909   0.4475   1.64
0.0650  0.0050     0.9114   192   -0.7871  -0.1615   0.5909   0.0491   1.61
0.0700  0.0050     1.5876   200   -0.7617  -0.2777   0.6861   0.3677   1.27
0.0750  0.0050     0.5929   196   -0.3597  -0.1019   0.1892  -0.3743   1.55
0.0800  0.0050     0.3004   297    0.1906  -0.3730  -0.1083  -0.3797   1.59
0.0850  0.0050     1.4151   283    0.1794  -0.7769  -0.4611  -0.3422   1.50
0.0900  0.0050     3.8274   291    0.2941  -0.7490  -0.4329  -0.4925   1.07
0.0950  0.0050     4.4691   283    0.2036  -0.8820  -0.6160  -0.3765   1.20
0.1013  0.0075     5.0138   290    0.2956  -0.8108  -0.5249  -0.5078   1.12
0.1100  0.0100     4.7218   297    0.4046  -0.7919  -0.4524  -0.6322   1.10
0.1200  0.0100     5.5411   300    0.4513  -0.7856  -0.3639  -0.6628   0.98
0.1300  0.0100     2.7243   300    0.4304  -0.7492  -0.3085  -0.5368   1.03
0.1400  0.0100     2.1754   303    0.4782  -0.7453  -0.3441  -0.6523   1.04
0.1500  0.0100     1.1644   300    0.4354  -0.7579  -0.3561  -0.5136   1.07
0.1600  0.0100     0.9726   291    0.3219  -0.8199  -0.5961  -0.4602   1.00
0.1700  0.0100     0.8756   298    0.4089  -0.7541  -0.3269  -0.5236   1.04
0.1800  0.0100     0.6018   300    0.4160  -0.7242  -0.3631  -0.4869   1.04
0.1900  0.0100     0.3173   297    0.3263  -0.6388  -0.2807  -0.2381   1.13
0.2000  0.0100     0.3724   298    0.3830  -0.7063  -0.3055  -0.3977   1.10
0.2100  0.0100     0.3525   297    0.3815  -0.7467  -0.3581  -0.5485   1.03
0.2200  0.0100     0.1973   297    0.3678  -0.7198  -0.4326  -0.5115   1.06
0.2300  0.0100     0.1944   297    0.3570  -0.6988  -0.4264  -0.4629   1.08
0.2400  0.0100     0.1716   297    0.3182  -0.6228  -0.2561  -0.2607   1.12
0.2500  0.0100     0.1608   291    0.2648  -0.6745  -0.4242  -0.2952   1.10
0.2600  0.0100     0.0990   283    0.1532  -0.6635  -0.3825   0.0981   1.26
0.2700  0.0100     0.1099   293    0.2607  -0.6189  -0.3954  -0.1953   0.97
0.2800  0.0100     0.1005   294    0.2549  -0.5659  -0.2912   0.0099   1.05
0.2900  0.0100     0.1025   298    0.3070  -0.5662  -0.4147  -0.1752   0.99
0.3000  0.0100     0.0737   307    0.3778  -0.5030  -0.2477  -0.2088   1.05
0.3100  0.0100     0.0427   321    0.3854  -0.3124  -0.0516  -0.0109   1.27
0.3200  0.0100     0.0549   306    0.3423  -0.4798  -0.2769  -0.0782   1.12
0.3300  0.0100     0.0701   310    0.4630  -0.5574  -0.1045  -0.3580   0.85
0.3400  0.0100     0.0708   306    0.4079  -0.5719  -0.0851  -0.2351   0.80
0.3500  0.0100     0.0496   300    0.3014  -0.5248  -0.2427  -0.0439   1.01
0.3600  0.0100     0.0563   300    0.3631  -0.6321  -0.2972  -0.2111   0.92
0.3700  0.0100     0.0352   307    0.3868  -0.5150  -0.1629  -0.2110   0.94
0.3800  0.0100     0.0292   317    0.3755  -0.3532  -0.2497  -0.1718   1.11
0.3900  0.0100     0.0417   331    0.5779  -0.3228   0.0905  -0.2700   0.89
0.4000  0.0100     0.0346   318    0.5244  -0.4696   0.0546  -0.2809   0.94
0.4100  0.0100     0.0254   304    0.2986  -0.4411  -0.3326   0.0574   1.05
0.4200  0.0100     0.0326   318    0.5749  -0.5148   0.1141  -0.4275   0.84
0.4300  0.0100     0.0357   325    0.6357  -0.4421   0.2087  -0.3767   0.89
0.4400  0.0100     0.0215   327    0.5472  -0.3609   0.1418  -0.2367   0.94
0.4500  0.0100     0.0183   324    0.5341  -0.3911  -0.0128  -0.3544   0.94
0.4600  0.0100     0.0124   346    0.4705  -0.1149   0.0762   0.1849   1.08
0.4700  0.0100     0.0156   349    0.6389  -0.1231   0.2477   0.0565   0.94
0.4800  0.0100     0.0213   332    0.5913  -0.3115   0.1608  -0.1550   0.74
0.4900  0.0100     0.0156   327    0.4431  -0.2922   0.0531   0.0844   0.79
0.5000  0.0100     0.0189   336    0.5205  -0.2270   0.1310   0.0283   0.69
0.5100  0.0100     0.0120   349    0.6061  -0.1168   0.2695   0.1951   1.01
0.5200  0.0100     0.0132   321    0.4926  -0.3993  -0.0558  -0.1515   0.83
0.5300  0.0100     0.0160   334    0.6466  -0.3206   0.2726  -0.2294   0.67
0.5400  0.0100     0.0118   327    0.5445  -0.3591   0.0426  -0.0795   0.78
0.5500  0.0100     0.0138   329    0.6287  -0.3717   0.2288  -0.2620   0.74
0.5600  0.0100     0.0137   328    0.5504  -0.3439   0.1693  -0.1956   0.66
0.5700  0.0100     0.0135   341    0.5872  -0.2061   0.1956   0.0786   0.65
0.5800  0.0100     0.0118   313    0.4230  -0.4611  -0.1333  -0.1139   0.62