Latest News: Real time data telemetry reliability is temporarily reduced. We are working with the Iridium IT team to resolve the issue.

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204 - LOWER COOK INLET, AK   Notice:12/24/2023 Data hold: ,Antenna failure. Mobile View
File Name: nc204p1201508312353     Analyzed(UTC): 2024 09/07 2051 hrs
Location: 59 35.83 N 151 49.74 W   Sensor Type: Waverider Drctnl Buoy
Water Depth(m):    33 MLLW    Sensor Depth(m): N/A      Sensor Elev(m):   32.9
Shore Normal(deg): N/A        Source File: netCDF dataset
Sample Length(s):  1600       Sample Rate(Hz): 1.280
Hs(m):  1.31   Tp(s):  7.14   Dp(deg): 245   Ta(s):  5.41

 freq   Band      energy   Dmean     a1       b1       a2       b2    Check
  Hz    width     m*m/Hz    deg                                       factor
0.0250  0.0050     0.0000   164   -0.1381   0.0405  -0.2768   0.5234   2.55
0.0300  0.0050     0.0001   214   -0.4495  -0.3064   0.1165   0.7831   2.55
0.0350  0.0050     0.0009   241   -0.1907  -0.3440  -0.1627   0.6215   2.55
0.0400  0.0050     0.0012   190   -0.2485  -0.0455  -0.0877   0.3197   2.55
0.0450  0.0050     0.0019   144   -0.1287   0.0936  -0.0195  -0.0350   2.55
0.0500  0.0050     0.0020   330    0.2240  -0.1315  -0.4573   0.2860   2.55
0.0550  0.0050     0.0011   259   -0.0740  -0.3907  -0.3700   0.1852   2.55
0.0600  0.0050     0.0015   269   -0.0066  -0.4335  -0.7823   0.1060   2.55
0.0650  0.0050     0.0014   265   -0.0446  -0.5000  -0.6247  -0.0088   2.55
0.0700  0.0050     0.0010   256   -0.0586  -0.2433  -0.6208   0.4290   2.55
0.0750  0.0050     0.0021   252   -0.1861  -0.5813  -0.6996   0.4318   2.55
0.0800  0.0050     0.0010   262   -0.0890  -0.6412  -0.7884   0.2050   2.55
0.0850  0.0050     0.0015   254   -0.1363  -0.4647  -0.8546   0.2305   2.55
0.0900  0.0050     0.0029   221   -0.3099  -0.2724   0.1138   0.2551   2.55
0.0950  0.0050     0.0040   223   -0.3455  -0.3191  -0.4732   0.6256   2.55
0.1013  0.0075     0.0050   227   -0.3156  -0.3377  -0.6226   0.1458   2.55
0.1100  0.0100     0.0763   233   -0.4986  -0.6513  -0.3740   0.7325   1.31
0.1200  0.0100     0.3490   242   -0.4425  -0.8467  -0.5565   0.7525   1.16
0.1300  0.0100     0.9023   242   -0.4383  -0.8385  -0.5022   0.7189   1.09
0.1400  0.0100     1.7810   245   -0.4023  -0.8715  -0.5768   0.6889   1.08
0.1500  0.0100     1.2677   251   -0.2948  -0.8485  -0.5976   0.4597   1.08
0.1600  0.0100     1.3260   254   -0.2489  -0.8488  -0.5320   0.4295   1.06
0.1700  0.0100     1.1998   256   -0.2043  -0.8488  -0.5538   0.4014   1.01
0.1800  0.0100     0.4977   272    0.0274  -0.8103  -0.4861   0.0375   1.17
0.1900  0.0100     0.4414   275    0.0669  -0.8056  -0.4559  -0.1159   1.17
0.2000  0.0100     0.4481   272    0.0290  -0.8574  -0.6364   0.0019   1.06
0.2100  0.0100     0.2521   273    0.0434  -0.7433  -0.3037   0.0411   1.06
0.2200  0.0100     0.3525   269   -0.0131  -0.8598  -0.6172   0.0736   0.97
0.2300  0.0100     0.1887   268   -0.0309  -0.7750  -0.4259   0.1633   1.10
0.2400  0.0100     0.1316   279    0.1188  -0.7530  -0.3586  -0.1797   1.12
0.2500  0.0100     0.1440   286    0.1993  -0.6951  -0.1147  -0.2882   1.10
0.2600  0.0100     0.1716   292    0.2422  -0.6109  -0.0410  -0.1217   1.05
0.2700  0.0100     0.1316   280    0.1115  -0.6088  -0.0894  -0.0673   1.10
0.2800  0.0100     0.0730   296    0.1872  -0.3864   0.3464   0.1171   1.56
0.2900  0.0100     0.1005   316    0.4331  -0.4251   0.3032  -0.0237   1.24
0.3000  0.0100     0.1122   304    0.3738  -0.5483   0.0694  -0.0797   1.27
0.3100  0.0100     0.0790   321    0.4045  -0.3258   0.2133   0.0486   1.28
0.3200  0.0100     0.0865   313    0.3379  -0.3659   0.2476  -0.0158   1.10
0.3300  0.0100     0.0609   307    0.2437  -0.3223   0.4014   0.3349   1.38
0.3400  0.0100     0.0583   307    0.3156  -0.4173   0.0364   0.0567   1.21
0.3500  0.0100     0.0352   306    0.3227  -0.4493   0.0747  -0.1880   1.14
0.3600  0.0100     0.0274   296    0.2322  -0.4794   0.0042  -0.1427   1.11
0.3700  0.0100     0.0398   299    0.3033  -0.5550  -0.1744  -0.1271   1.19
0.3800  0.0100     0.0504   316    0.4441  -0.4360   0.0280  -0.1401   1.09
0.3900  0.0100     0.0417   328    0.5389  -0.3343   0.2096  -0.2645   0.98
0.4000  0.0100     0.0226   297    0.2413  -0.4685  -0.1344  -0.0001   1.33
0.4100  0.0100     0.0291   297    0.2575  -0.5000  -0.0302  -0.0121   1.16
0.4200  0.0100     0.0214   292    0.1956  -0.4934  -0.1324  -0.1272   1.03
0.4300  0.0100     0.0208   304    0.3022  -0.4433  -0.0127  -0.1125   1.02
0.4400  0.0100     0.0262   296    0.2886  -0.5958  -0.2093  -0.2429   0.84
0.4500  0.0100     0.0160   297    0.2592  -0.5032   0.1202  -0.1241   0.99
0.4600  0.0100     0.0147   292    0.2374  -0.5987  -0.3439  -0.3556   0.96
0.4700  0.0100     0.0164   278    0.0924  -0.6963  -0.4250  -0.0744   1.02
0.4800  0.0100     0.0112   286    0.1639  -0.5717  -0.2551  -0.1410   0.99
0.4900  0.0100     0.0099   282    0.1060  -0.5084  -0.3283  -0.1219   1.04
0.5000  0.0100     0.0108   286    0.1734  -0.6047  -0.4259  -0.2178   0.83
0.5100  0.0100     0.0116   276    0.0694  -0.6436  -0.6190  -0.0951   0.92
0.5200  0.0100     0.0061   266   -0.0353  -0.5484  -0.3330   0.0293   0.95
0.5300  0.0100     0.0059   279    0.0839  -0.5318  -0.3049  -0.1110   0.93
0.5400  0.0100     0.0093   286    0.1757  -0.6128  -0.2890  -0.0056   0.76
0.5500  0.0100     0.0086   276    0.0617  -0.5718  -0.3191   0.1523   0.80
0.5600  0.0100     0.0092   272    0.0234  -0.6929  -0.6910   0.0569   0.80
0.5700  0.0100     0.0067   272    0.0226  -0.6680  -0.5097  -0.1050   0.76
0.5800  0.0100     0.0054   261   -0.0919  -0.5604  -0.4521  -0.0084   0.72