Latest News: Real time data telemetry reliability is temporarily reduced. We are working with the Iridium IT team to resolve the issue.

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243 - NAGS HEAD, NC   Notice:07/19/2023 Replaced buoy Mobile View
File Name: nc243p1201808261526     Analyzed(UTC): 2024 09/15 2254 hrs
Station Name: NAGS HEAD, NC
Location: 36 00.08 N  75 25.25 W   Sensor Type: Waverider Drctnl Buoy
Water Depth(m):    21 MLLW    Sensor Depth(m): N/A      Sensor Elev(m):   21.0
Shore Normal(deg): N/A        Source File: netCDF dataset
Sample Length(s):  1600       Sample Rate(Hz): 1.280
Hs(m):  0.65   Tp(s):  5.88   Dp(deg):  65   Ta(s):  5.22

 freq   Band      energy   Dmean     a1       b1       a2       b2    Check
  Hz    width     m*m/Hz    deg                                       factor
0.0250  0.0050     0.0000    87    0.0163   0.3647  -0.7503   0.0085   2.55
0.0300  0.0050     0.0001    35    0.1784   0.1268  -0.5839  -0.2456   2.55
0.0350  0.0050     0.0008   102   -0.0827   0.4063  -0.6966  -0.0835   2.55
0.0400  0.0050     0.0009   100   -0.0455   0.2558  -0.7508   0.0215   2.55
0.0450  0.0050     0.0016   312    0.0884  -0.0967  -0.5107  -0.4033   2.55
0.0500  0.0050     0.0031   100   -0.0914   0.5132  -0.4034  -0.6914   2.55
0.0550  0.0050     0.0031   231   -0.1163  -0.1430  -0.2275  -0.0573   2.55
0.0600  0.0050     0.0156   106   -0.0880   0.3127  -0.4607  -0.1901   2.55
0.0650  0.0050     0.0226   106   -0.1106   0.3930  -0.2300  -0.5824   2.55
0.0700  0.0050     0.0373    79    0.0783   0.4029  -0.0787  -0.4190   1.61
0.0750  0.0050     0.0350   123   -0.2523   0.3946  -0.1068  -0.4498   2.49
0.0800  0.0050     0.0475    96   -0.0739   0.7179  -0.3577  -0.2081   1.77
0.0850  0.0050     0.0411    82    0.0884   0.6143  -0.3612   0.0939   1.49
0.0900  0.0050     0.0612    82    0.0829   0.5764  -0.1585   0.0425   1.15
0.0950  0.0050     0.0519    78    0.1480   0.6726  -0.2426   0.1595   1.37
0.1013  0.0075     0.0436    76    0.1334   0.5426   0.1808   0.2360   1.38
0.1100  0.0100     0.0775    65    0.2851   0.6097  -0.0203   0.2833   1.23
0.1200  0.0100     0.2023    90   -0.0035   0.7985  -0.4470  -0.0371   1.14
0.1300  0.0100     0.1964    82    0.1130   0.7855  -0.3999   0.1562   1.09
0.1400  0.0100     0.1310    85    0.0724   0.7696  -0.2978   0.0963   1.13
0.1500  0.0100     0.1455    68    0.3019   0.7379  -0.2444   0.4730   1.14
0.1600  0.0100     0.1906    73    0.2340   0.7837  -0.3592   0.3569   1.06
0.1700  0.0100     0.2034    65    0.3571   0.7635  -0.2725   0.5486   1.06
0.1800  0.0100     0.1657    72    0.2578   0.7920  -0.3671   0.4050   0.98
0.1900  0.0100     0.1426    61    0.4154   0.7409  -0.2381   0.6030   0.98
0.2000  0.0100     0.1716    64    0.3762   0.7555  -0.2632   0.5526   0.99
0.2100  0.0100     0.1203    65    0.3584   0.7665  -0.3102   0.5298   1.08
0.2200  0.0100     0.1240    66    0.3408   0.7780  -0.4161   0.4771   0.97
0.2300  0.0100     0.0525    71    0.2343   0.6638  -0.2186   0.3543   1.10
0.2400  0.0100     0.0535    62    0.3408   0.6444  -0.1463   0.3919   1.08
0.2500  0.0100     0.0470    59    0.3523   0.5936  -0.2913   0.4440   1.00
0.2600  0.0100     0.0427    61    0.2715   0.4842  -0.1599   0.2616   0.87
0.2700  0.0100     0.0400    49    0.4866   0.5690   0.0052   0.5327   0.93
0.2800  0.0100     0.0312    44    0.4645   0.4462  -0.0779   0.2494   0.96
0.2900  0.0100     0.0312    40    0.4714   0.3904  -0.1493   0.3027   0.93
0.3000  0.0100     0.0226    52    0.2741   0.3544  -0.2247   0.0647   1.14
0.3100  0.0100     0.0375    42    0.3647   0.3335  -0.0661  -0.0588   0.96
0.3200  0.0100     0.0255    45    0.3211   0.3240  -0.1355   0.0828   0.91
0.3300  0.0100     0.0215    44    0.2930   0.2814   0.1611   0.0697   1.02
0.3400  0.0100     0.0160    54    0.2725   0.3709  -0.2139   0.2585   1.12
0.3500  0.0100     0.0157    48    0.3223   0.3588  -0.2342   0.1870   1.00
0.3600  0.0100     0.0111    40    0.3776   0.3127   0.2503   0.1354   1.08
0.3700  0.0100     0.0126    41    0.4187   0.3644   0.0373   0.0697   0.99
0.3800  0.0100     0.0158    40    0.4833   0.4001   0.0416   0.2505   0.88
0.3900  0.0100     0.0115    16    0.4233   0.1191   0.0527   0.2245   0.84
0.4000  0.0100     0.0076    26    0.3626   0.1734  -0.0706   0.2952   0.94
0.4100  0.0100     0.0115    37    0.4143   0.3101  -0.0790   0.2023   0.79
0.4200  0.0100     0.0102    24    0.4419   0.1982   0.0760   0.1206   0.86
0.4300  0.0100     0.0074    24    0.4491   0.2014  -0.0179   0.0944   0.95
0.4400  0.0100     0.0075    31    0.5636   0.3411   0.1688   0.3900   0.82
0.4500  0.0100     0.0052    12    0.5511   0.1121   0.1827   0.0394   0.93
0.4600  0.0100     0.0045    21    0.3882   0.1517   0.1455   0.0784   0.92
0.4700  0.0100     0.0064     9    0.5999   0.0917   0.1544   0.0626   0.76
0.4800  0.0100     0.0030     3    0.4935   0.0264  -0.0862  -0.0387   0.97
0.4900  0.0100     0.0029    21    0.3902   0.1525  -0.1902   0.2523   0.86
0.5000  0.0100     0.0040    38    0.4956   0.3902   0.1214   0.4368   0.70
0.5100  0.0100     0.0037     3    0.4350   0.0233   0.0203  -0.0607   0.66
0.5200  0.0100     0.0030     6    0.4415   0.0454  -0.0236  -0.0687   0.72
0.5300  0.0100     0.0036    20    0.4017   0.1457  -0.2356  -0.2146   0.65
0.5400  0.0100     0.0030    27    0.5681   0.2891  -0.0051   0.0859   0.62
0.5500  0.0100     0.0020    38    0.4317   0.3400  -0.0999   0.2190   0.63
0.5600  0.0100     0.0023    24    0.4069   0.1825  -0.1890  -0.0801   0.57
0.5700  0.0100     0.0018     6    0.5299   0.0545   0.0283  -0.2993   0.53
0.5800  0.0100     0.0024    20    0.6402   0.2322   0.2232   0.2781   0.43