109 - FLORIPA, BRAZIL ( NDBC 31201) |
About PIC BrazilThe FLORIPA BUOY has been monitoring sea conditions offshore Florianopolis, Southern Brazil, since January 2002. It is part of the "Programa de Informaçâo Costeira on-line" (Coastal Information Program - PIC) project, funded by the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq). The project is conducted by the Maritime Hydraulics Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. Since May 2004, the buoy data have been integrated into the CDIP data collection program. The data acquisition station at the field base in Armaçâo Beach, Florianopolis, is similar to that used by CDIP. This exchange of information is part of the Scientific and Educational Cooperation Agreement firmed by UFSC and the University of California San Diego, in 2000. Access the following link to obtain further information about PIC/Brazil: http://www.lahimar.ufsc.br/pic. Prof. Eloi Melo, UFSC/Brazil. |