User Preferences

Lat/Lon format

Geo and time bounds

213 - SAN PEDRO SOUTH, CA   Notice:01/19/2024 Data hold: wave, sst,Cleaned the buoy and mooring. Mobile View

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1201602010201 5.00 9.9 15view
2202101251630 4.60 9.1 23view
3202302220800 4.45 9.1 12view
4201702180000 4.11 7.7 13view
5201512140801 3.92 9.1 8view
6201511161001 3.87 8.3 15view
7201604260200 3.87 9.1 25view
8201612170430 3.74 8.3 8view
9202302250730 3.69 8.3 18view
10201902170830 3.67 8.3 13view
11202103160100 3.67 8.3 13view
12202301012000 3.67 7.7 21view
13201512120231 3.63 9.1 22view
14201903130630 3.53 8.3 6view
15201904100330 3.53 8.3 17view
16201701230130 3.47 7.7 26view
17201512230201 3.40 8.3 19view
18202303012130 3.40 7.1 17view
19201604280630 3.39 8.3 11view
20201811301100 3.30 7.7 31view