User Preferences

Lat/Lon format

Geo and time bounds

251 - SCHUYLER REEF, NY   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:09/27/2022 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1202206190700 0.97 3.7 15view
2202204212230 0.94 3.6 12view
3202107251000 0.93 3.5 7view
4202204260600 0.93 3.6 7view
5202206161600 0.93 3.6 17view
6202207250600 0.93 3.5 3view
7202107090230 0.92 3.6 3view
8202206180430 0.92 3.7 2view
9202209222300 0.85 3.7 21view
10202205261830 0.84 4.1 22view
11202109052030 0.83 3.4 7view
12202109210730 0.82 3.1 18view
13202209150000 0.82 3.6 6view
14202204282130 0.81 3.7 32view
15202109120900 0.80 3.7 13view
16202206080200 0.79 3.1 6view
17202109081300 0.77 3.6 6view
18202109150630 0.77 3.2 11view
19202108290230 0.76 3.3 27view
20202109021230 0.75 3.6 8view