176 - HALIFAX HARBOR, CANADA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:05/28/2012 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1201110301502 7.65 9.9 6view
2201111112032 5.5311.1 26view
3201201140802 5.3810.5 46view
4201112081602 5.25 9.9 17view
5201203091232 4.84 9.9 11view
6201204272232 4.6611.8 20view
7201204241732 4.6412.5 32view
8201112291132 4.5411.1 44view
9201202121532 4.4412.5 13view
10201110301902 4.3010.5 6view
11201110301132 4.28 8.3 4view
12201108290933 4.2612.5 25view
13201111240332 4.19 8.3 22view
14201112160702 4.16 7.7 15view
15201203022332 4.0910.5 32view
16201205111132 3.9811.1 34view
17201202252232 3.97 9.9 31view
18201203040002 3.76 7.7 23view
19201201280232 3.69 7.7 30view
20201203150102 3.66 8.3 51view