User Preferences

Lat/Lon format

Geo and time bounds

244 - SATAN SHOAL, FL   Notice:07/31/2024 Cleaned sensor,Buoy and mooring cleaned. Mobile View

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1202209280130 7.85 9.1 9view
2202409262100 5.9811.1 17view
3202410092030 5.0210.5 14view
4202209272100 4.81 8.3 6view
5202209280830 4.74 7.7 6view
6202008242030 4.52 9.9 13view
7202107061600 4.42 8.3 16view
8202011111300 4.07 7.7 21view
9202411070030 3.74 9.1 26view
10202308291900 3.57 7.1 28view
11202001181130 3.56 9.9 15view
12202408040700 3.54 7.4 31view
13202409261000 3.46 8.0 17view
14202101010130 3.42 8.3 52view
15202409270500 3.33 9.5 10view
16202203310400 3.29 7.7 34view
17202108280700 3.04 7.7 13view
18202201171030 2.9811.8 23view
19202410091100 2.91 6.4 4view
20202410100200 2.91 9.1 3view