109 - FLORIPA, BRAZIL   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:08/29/2005 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1200411132301 4.7413.3 78view
2200410271831 4.02 9.1 14view
3200411061931 3.92 8.3 24view
4200501260201 3.88 8.3 18view
5200405270744 3.8613.3 50view
6200503232130 3.80 9.1 39view
7200502141931 3.6111.1 60view
8200406031244 3.54 9.1 64view
9200411122001 3.47 7.7 8view
10200405161114 3.4511.1 49view
11200502030101 3.3210.5 126view
12200412130401 3.1810.5 130view
13200411200131 3.11 9.1 39view
14200411161031 3.0511.8 49view
15200412240901 3.02 8.3 87view
16200503020600 2.9811.1 58view
17200405210114 2.9012.5 95view
18200501170231 2.86 9.9 60view
19200405182144 2.8010.5 35view
20200406130014 2.78 7.1 40view