131 - RINCON NEARSHORE, CA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:04/18/2007 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1200601030328 2.80 9.9 20view
2200512211228 2.6115.4 47view
3200612272356 2.35 9.1 17view
4200605272327 2.29 6.7 8view
5200704120026 2.27 7.1 40view
6200704152256 2.21 7.1 21view
7200703280326 2.19 6.7 17view
8200701050326 2.18 6.2 26view
9200604052158 2.1312.5 19view
10200612180056 2.0412.5 57view
11200602152358 2.03 5.6 11view
12200512192158 2.0013.3 20view
13200601032358 1.9815.4 24view
14200704130026 1.96 7.1 11view
15200612092026 1.9314.3 53view
16200603190028 1.90 5.6 30view
17200601061358 1.8811.1 70view
18200512231328 1.8414.3 37view
19200511262058 1.8311.1 33view
20200612230656 1.8313.3 33view