177 - LAKE WASHINGTON NORTH, WA   Status:DECOMMISSIONED   Notice:03/16/2013 Station decommissioned

Largest Wave Events

Wave events with largest recorded signficant wave heights.

Event duration is defined by grouping together all records with a Hs value at or above 60% of the peak value.

Peak Hs
Tp (s)
at peak Hs
1201101170828 0.75 2.9 7view
2201112251939 0.74 2.8 3view
3201103102328 0.72 2.9 4view
4201301090257 0.68 3.3 6view
5201101150158 0.67 2.9 3view
6201012262058 0.65 2.7 2view
7201102122028 0.65 2.7 3view
8201302222357 0.60 2.9 8view
9201101122158 0.59 2.6 2view
10201102280058 0.58 2.6 9view
11201012142128 0.57 2.6 4view
12201103021758 0.54 2.4 2view
13201201030409 0.54 2.4 3view
14201103022058 0.53 2.6 1view
15201012281028 0.52 2.4 1view
16201302230327 0.52 2.8 1view
17201112290809 0.51 2.6 7view
18201111250409 0.50 2.4 4view
19201102130158 0.49 2.4 5view
20201102271458 0.48 2.4 11view