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Calib File Times: WV30282
Timeseries summary
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High-frequency rotation (period < 10s)
No relevant time series found.

Mid-frequency rotation (10s < period < 15s)
No relevant time series found.

Low-frequency rotation (15s < period)
No relevant time series found.

  • Mean: the mean upcross wave height within a segment
  • SD: the standard deviation of the upcross wave height
  • Period: the mean upcross wave period
  • Revs: the number of cal stand revolutions in the segment
  • Source: link to a displacement plot of the data

Validation checks: These are based on the limits set by Datawell for their calibration. Settings are approximate, since Datawell uses different periods (6.25s, 12.5s, 20s) on their test rig. Green values are within the limits, while red values fall outside the limits.

  • Heave: the percentage of the expected heave (trough-to-crest displacement) measured.
    Limits: 98%-102% for periods under 15 seconds. 94%-102% for longer periods.
  • Dir: the difference between the mean measured direction and the cal stand direction, in degrees.
    Limits: +/- 2 degrees for all periods.
  • Check: the measured check factor, calculated as the horizontal/vertical displacement ratio.
    Limits: 1.0-1.05 for periods under 10s; 1.0-1.15 for periods under 15s; 1.0-1.5 for longer periods.


All xy files are examined and the longest uninterrupted section of each z timeseries is used. Segments of the timeseries are grouped such that the height of each wave is within 10% of its immediate neighbors' heights and its period is within 20% of its neighbors' periods. All segments covering a minimum of 32 revolutions are included in the statistics.

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